Have you heard of Weatherization? Did you know CAPNCM offers Weatherization services across our nine counties?
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources responded to the energy crisis of the early 1970s by establishing the Low-Income Weatherization Assistance Program (LIWAP). The program is currently overseen by the Department of Economic Development and operated by Missouri’s Community Action Partnerships. The program provides cost-effective energy-efficient home improvements to Missouri's low income households, especially the elderly, children, those with physical disadvantages, and others hit hardest by high utility costs. The program aims to lower utility bills and improve comfort while ensuring health and safety. Today, weatherization is the nation's largest residential energy efficiency program. Community Action Partnership of North Central Missouri is currently seeking home owners and renters/landlords interested in participating in the Weatherization Program. All households interested in applying to receive weatherization services for their home are invited to fill out an application for the program. A program application is available online, or by calling the Agency office at 855-290-8544 ext. 1064 and requesting an application to be mailed or faxed to you. Rental homes also qualify for Weatherization (some conditions do apply, please call for more details). If you, or someone you know, may benefit from the CAPNCM Weatherization program, please share this information with them. Contact the agency toll free, at 855-290-8544. Comments are closed.
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