Join us from 11:30am - 1:30pm for an open house at our office! We're grilling up some hot dogs and offering tours and information. So grab a free lunch and see what programs Community Action offers. CAPNCM is seeking a full-time Community Services Representative* (CSR). Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Interested applicants can apply and/or view a detailed job description online or in person at 1506 Oklahoma Ave. Faxed applications will NOT be accepted. Please submit applications to: Community Action Partnership of North Central Missouri, Attn: Aaron Franklin, 1506 Oklahoma Ave, Trenton, MO 64683. CAPNCM is an EOE.
*The Community Services Representative (CSR) provides front-line services to communities, families, and individuals within the Agency’s service region. This position is responsible for contacting and referring low-income persons to programs operated by Community Action Partnership of North Central Missouri (CAPNCM) and to other community resources that will provide a positive impact. The Grundy County Public Housing Agency (GCPHA) administered by Community Action Partnership of North Central Missouri (CAPNCM) will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at the Agency Office located at 1506 Oklahoma Avenue, Trenton, MO. The purpose of the meeting is to assist the Agency and the PHA Committee to review the PHA’s 2016 Annual Plan and the Administrative Plan revisions that will be submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for review and approval.
The PHA Plan is a guide to the agency’s policies and procedures for assistance in meeting local low income need. The PHA service area includes the counties of Caldwell, Daviess, Grundy, Harrison, Linn, Livingston (outside city limits of Chillicothe), Mercer, Putnam and Sullivan with extended coverage in Andrew, Buchanan (outside city limits of St. Joseph), Clinton and DeKalb. The plan documents are available for review at the Central Office of CAPNCM at the above address. For additional information call Debbie Dinsmore or Aaron Franklin at 660/359-3907, ext. 1045 or 1038 As of July 4, 2016, Community Action Partnership of North Central Missouri (CAPNCM) will move to a compressed work week. This will change our hours of operation to Monday through Thursday, 7:30am to 5:00pm, remaining open over the lunch hour.
In observance of Independence Day, CAPNCM will be closed Monday, July 4th. On Tuesday, July 5th our Trenton office will begin our new hours by opening at 7:30am and remaining open until 5:00pm. You will be able to reach our staff Monday through Thursday, 7:30am to 5:00pm. Our Women’s Health Services Department will not alter their current clinic schedule, and Missouri Works Assistance (MWA) staff will adjust their schedules so at least one staff person is available Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. With regards to our rental units, we will continue to follow the same after-hours protocol. The definition of a compressed work week is as follows: Alternative work arrangement where a standard workweek is reduced to fewer than five days, and employees make up the full number of hours per week by working longer hours. If you have questions concerning this change, please contact our office by calling 855-290-8544. 2016 marks the 40th anniversary of the Weatherization program in Missouri. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources responded to the energy crisis of the early 1970s by establishing the Low-Income Weatherization Assistance Program (LIWAP). The program is currently overseen by the Department of Economic Development and operated by Missouri’s Community Action Partnerships. The program provides cost-effective energy-efficient home improvements to Missouri's low income households, especially the elderly, children, those with physical disadvantages, and others hit hardest by high utility costs. The program aims to lower utility bills and improve comfort while ensuring health and safety. Today, weatherization is the nation's largest residential energy efficiency program. Community Action Partnership of North Central Missouri is currently seeking home owners and renters/landlords interested in participating in the Weatherization Program.
All households interested in applying to receive weatherization services for their home are invited to fill out an application for the program. A program application is available online at, or by calling the Agency office at 855-290-8544 ext. 1064 or ext. 1065 and requesting an application to be mailed or faxed to you. Rental homes also qualify for Weatherization (some conditions do apply, please call for more details). If you, or someone you know, may benefit from the CAPNCM Weatherization program, please share this information with them. Contact the agency toll free, at 855-290-8544. Join us for one of the many events we have planned this month as we celebrate Community Action Month! Listen in on Tuesday the 10th to learn more about Community Action and our agency as we join KTTN Radio on 92.3FM for Open Line, drop by one of the listed locations to grab a treat, some information, or an application for one of our assistance programs, or join us on the 31st at our Trenton office for lunch and an open house.
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